Virus ball project : death and salvation | 病毒球計劃 :死亡與救贖
Virus ball project : death and salvation | 病毒球計劃 :死亡與救贖
Medium / Ink, Xuan paper, dried ink pieces & Collage on canvas board
Size / 30cm x 30cm
Year / 2020
In 2020, we will face the isolation, virus, sadness, boredom, despair and death of coronavirus disease spreading around the world. During this period, the Earth is like a large laboratory that can collect human emotions and test our ability.
Through this artwork, I tried to explore oriental ink painting, rice paper, and the materials and techniques of oriental painting (such as dry ink pieces, torn paper, collages, and various oriental ink painting techniques) to create contemporary oriental ink painting.
#香港 #當代水墨 #當代藝術家 #contemporary ink artists #contemporary art #Hong Kong